Comment on Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout 1 year agoOk you win the argument. Some people who live in apartments officially CANNOT charge their cars using a regular level 1 outlet because cantsurf cannot charge his car on the street.
Let it be known far and wide. 1 year ago
You’re close, but you’ve still missed. My opinion (and I’m agreeing with the guy at the top of this thread) is that charging an electric car is impractical for such a large proportion of the population that it is slowing down electric vehicle adoption and that mass adoption is unlikely to occur until this infrastructure issue has been addressed.
And also that I can’t charge my car on the street. 1 year ago
I didn’t miss your point, I dismissed it as irrelevant to what I was bringing up to the person I was responding to. Not everyone knows what “level 1 charging” means. I wanted to let them know it means a regular outlet. For whomever that applies, I hope they find it helpful. For whomever that does not apply, I hope the infrastructure continues to mature to help meet their needs, as it obviously will despite your cynicism. 1 year ago
At this point, I’m just curious to know where you live that makes you think that sidewalks have power outlets. 1 year ago
Here’s an article with pictures of a made up fantasy land where there are cars on a street and electricity on the street and the cars are somehow charging and whaaaaaaaaat…/government-electric-car-st…