Comment on Polymeric sand in cold weather! Creative solutions to helping it cure? 1 year ago
Check out……/polysand-in-the-winter.485549/
Especicially watering it sounds like a really bad idea.
Why not just wait until late spring? 1 year ago
Yeah, it does sound like a bad idea, and I’m thinking more and more that I should just sweep utility sand between the pavers instead and call it a day.
The only reason I’m trying to get ahead of this now (instead of waiting for warmer weather) is because I’m building a structure around the patio that will make it difficult to sweep or blow off the sand as it cures. It’ll probably get everywhere and get nasty.
Although, it’ll be a covered area too, so perhaps the advantages of the poly sand are marginal. There won’t be any weed or moss issues, and it won’t be exposed to weather basically ever. So perhaps I just shouldn’t bother and sweep regular sand in. The benefits of poly sand probably isn’t worth the very real risk of making my patio really nasty.