And yet 90% of the population still has an anchoring bias due to the projections about AI people like him, Cameron, and all the rest of the Sci-Fi contributors made over the years. 1 year ago
I don’t think Ridley Scott knows how AI works. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I agree, yet for some reason celebrities who are not qualified to comment on these things have their voices amplified by the media. 1 year ago
People in this thread don’t understand how art works. 1 year ago
Seriously, he’s a director that made sci-fi movies. He has no qualifications whatsoever to answer this question. Of course, this will still rile up the critical thinking challenged crowd. 1 year ago
I used to think he completely lost it when he had the characters acting so dumb in his recent Alien universe films, for example when the crew of prometheus took off their helmets, but then watching how large parts of society acted with covid I am now not sure.
Humans repeatedly make bad choices, somebody is going to be really really dumb with their AI implementation when it gets to the level of actually being able to manage things.