Comment on Any interest in a cutting swap community? Also, would love a hand or two! 1 year ago
How does it work? Do the cuttings survive in the mail, or is it a local thing?
I’ve been lurking here to learn more lol
If it’s a new community, could it include other types of exchanges? Seeds for example, I’ve seen some things like that locally with seed libraries and neighborhood groups 1 year ago
Generally, it should be local to the country at least and weather and time need to be minded. Seeds are included! Check out these for examples: 1 year ago
I’d love to see those here :)
For regional ones, you could make/promote them on the regional instances. This could also be great to promote on other fediverse platforms 1 year ago
One major one is good until it gets steam, I think. People can put the country in the title. 1 year ago
I like it :) 1 year ago
why not use this community? just add tags to the title:
[Plant Swap] [Australia] giving away beginner friendly Hoya carnosa / porcelainflower / wax plant
you can still learn about the plant and have general discussions in the comments? why split the community? 1 year ago
Otter if you want on the team go make a post. :) 1 year ago
Thank you! Just made a comment in one of the posts :)