Comment on Activision wants to recommend games to you based on the livestreams you watch 1 year agoThe description of the patent makes it seem like twitch chat integration, which is already a thing in a lot of games like Cities: Skylines. 1 year ago
Wait you are totally right, I thought it was merely about big time stuff like where the story goes next, but when you look in the details, it is so wide that it is also basically a patent for twitch crowd control style integration:
and so on with more of this type of stuff.
Uuuuh didn't Crowd Control launch before the filing of that patent? I'm kinda lost here. 1 year ago
I found this article about Twitch and Warp World, the company that developed Crowd Control.
This particular bit is interesting to me: 1 year ago
Damn I must be misunderstanding something then because that makes it sound like my man gets to be called an inventor and activision gets to potentially benefit financially for what amounts to describing in legalese the utility after someone else did all the real technical work of making it a reality
which would be kinda fucked