Some alternatives and corrections to your list:
- You can already download YT videos in LibreTube and NewPipe, speaking about NewPipe, I would suggest using NewPipeSponsosblock for blocking in video sponsors from creators. Aves Libre is a better advanced Gallery alternative with EXIF editing.
- Aimp is a good alternative to Retro.
- Spotiflyer is an alternative Murglar.
- Schildi Chat is a better alternative to Element X, its based on Element but is a lot faster and has a lot more options.
Ps: I’ve been seeing a lot of posts and comments by you in the communities that I follow, just want to tell you thx for contrubuting to them xD. 1 year ago
Thanks for participating in the discussion. I have to disagree on some of your point though.
I have found the download features in both LibreTube and NewPipe to be pretty unreliable. Seal always works. NewPipe x SponsorBlock is great, I use LibreTube which also has SponsorBlock built in, I just included NewPipe in the list because LibreTube breaks sometimes. But yes, NewPipe x SponsorBlock is better than standard NewPipe. BraveNewPipe is even better.
Aves is a good option, it’s also available on Accrescent. Personally though, I dislike the design of the app and prefer Gallery in combination with Image Toolbox for image editing.
It’s not open-source and thus not available on F-Droid.
In my experience Spotiflyer has been pretty unreliable. It either pulls low quality shit from YouTube or it tries to download from Spotify and fails. So far, Murglar has worked like a dream. Just like deemix on desktop btw. You can use Deezer Premium ARLs from this guide to log in and download genuine 320kbps MP3s or even FLACs. Never had any issues.
I tried it out, personally, I didn’t really like it. Element has been pretty slow for me, but I never had these issues with Element X. 1 year ago
Thz for the feedback. I agree with pretty much all your points. It just goes down to personnal preference and some feautures. 1 year ago
Absolutely true 1 year ago
This was the most respectful internet debate I’ve ever seen.