Care to elaborate on you are looking for with Android support?
Have been happily using KDE Connect for a while now.
Comment on Linux has higher share than MacOS among software developers 1 year ago
I was going to switch to Linux, but my big hesitation at this point is none of the distros integrate Android support
Whereas osx supports iOS and Windows supports Android now
So, it’s actually far less productive for me
Care to elaborate on you are looking for with Android support?
Have been happily using KDE Connect for a while now.
Ability to easily run Android Apps natively, within Linux… There are lots of hacky ways, but I really want a proper official supported way (which both OSX and Windows does).
Because I have a few custom apps and such I need for work or for other things. Yes I can do them on my phone, but easier to do them on computer
You won’t get “proper official supported way” from Linux, for it is a kernel, not an Android emulator.
You know what I meant… Obviously I meant something baked into a distro like Ubuntu or fedora to let me use Android apps without messing around.
Arguing semantics isn’t really helpful 1 year ago
What kind of Android support are you talking about? You can run full android on linux with WayDroid 1 year ago
I’ve never seen that before, but looks interesting. Unfortunately though, also looks like its still Beta.
And not sure I could rely in it for the extended long term either unfortunately if a distro developer like Canonical or the red hat guys aren’t working on it directly :( 1 year ago
WayDroid works pretty well for me.