Comment on Myer lemon flowering after I brought it indoors ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

There’s a chance that you tricked it into thinking it’s spring, for lack of better terms.

It’s something I recently learned about in reference to Jade plants that come inside for winter. If you allow them to get a certain small bit of cold before pulling inside, the temperature shifts will force blooms to occur.

I don’t know much more about it, and I’m sure I’m botching the proper concepts here, but it sounds like what you’re experiencing.

I have a couple larger jade (crassula ovata) plants that live outside in the summer and inside in the winter. This year they both started flowering right as I brought them inside. When I read a bit more about it, it seems like a normal technique/trick that folks use to push out flowers.

I’ve never seen them flower before now! Not sure what else may have the same tendencies.
