Comment on Disability pensioner charged $6,760 for renting a phone that retails for around $1,800 1 year agoDoubt. They’ll find some other money trap to fall into in a week unless they’re taught to actually be smarter about their finances.
”Poor people are poor because of their inferior nature” Fuck off. 1 year ago
You could do with some lessons in reading comprehension.
“Poor people are poor because they’ve never had the chance to learn how to manage money, and I suggest teaching them.” 1 year ago
Sure, poor people are poor because there’s one specific piece of magical knowledge that they were never taught. Nothing to do with structural socioeconomic forces that keep people poor so that their labor can be more cheaply exploited. 1 year ago
How do socioeconomic forces have ANYTHING to do with the original topic at hand? 1 year ago
What do the root causes of poverty have to do with why people are poor? Damn, I guess we’ll never know. 1 year ago
Your vague sanctimonious calls for “education” can do absolutely nothing for people that already been ripped off, so your sermons are especially condescending to people already ripped off and fucked over by business criminals that you keep making excuses for.
Because of your “fuck the poor, fuck the disabled, get ‘educated’” mantras, I assume your idea of “education” would be grifty privatized schools that are themselves a grift. Just grifts all the way down, because you’re running interference from the start for why it is cool and good to rip off disabled people until they can supposedly clear some “education” hurdle that you’d set up in front of people with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and much much more.
Just admit you’re LARPing as Patrick Bateman. It’d be less cringe at this point. bateman-ontological 1 year ago
That’s just the same thing I wrote, basically. You’re still saying it’s their own fault that poor people are poor, except with an extra veneer of condescension. 1 year ago
Why do I always end up reading so deeply into these threads started by fucking ghouls who seriously believe poor people are poor because they’re just too stupid to understand how money works? I should have backed off when I saw how deep this goes, but no, I must hate myself, because here I am, having just read your ridiculous comment how some sort of nebulous “education” will solve poverty somehow. Fuck off until you learn some damn empathy. I hope you end up neck deep in debt through no fault of your own. 1 year ago
I didn’t claim it would solve poverty, I claimed it was the better route to dealing with scams like this. But sure, have a lovely day cursing everybody you meet who you disagree with.