Comment on Unable to print PLA 1 year ago
Purge some pla at higher temp than you print petg at, or even better use different nozzle for pla. If hotend and ptfe tube are clean try changing tension in extruder spring. Unlikely, but wrong tension can also cause grinding 1 year ago
AFAIK the Prusa Mini does not have a tension spring, but maybe the extruder wheel is dirty? 1 year ago
Thanks for the tip the extruder wheels were dirty from all the grinding but there is a tensioning spring and i have it quite loose because i had an issue with PETG because i have my printer in enclosure and with bed at 80C in enclosure was so warm that my filament which is inside the enclosure as well was so soft that extruder squash it a little bit and it git stuck inside that longer ptfe tube which is between extruder and hotend