Comment on Need help: accessing all my containers by name 1 year ago
Reverse-proxy. Caddy is the easiest to configure, HAProxy has the least “bloat” (subjective opinion but still), NGINX + Proxy manager seems to be popular and very well used. Traefik has a bit of a learning curve but has great features if you have the need for them.
Or just use plain Apache httpd. 1 year ago
I love Traefik! When I started, I tried NGinx, but could not wrap my head around it. So I tried Caddy. Pretty easy to understand andI used it for a while. Then I had demands Caddy could not do ant stumbled uponTraefik. As you said, a learning curve, butfor me much easier than NGinx. I like that you can put the Traefik config inside the Compose files and that the service only is active in Traefik when the actual Containers are up and running. I added Crowdsec to my external facing Traefik instance and even use a plain Traefik instance for all my internal services also. And it can forward http, https, TCP and UDP. 1 year ago
Would be very interested to know which needs were not met with Caddy, and why you didn’t think of HAProxy or Apache 1 year ago
Yeah, nginx is way to overcomplicated if you aren’t familiar with it and using it on a daily basis in a coporate environment.
Traefik is elegant and simple when you get the basics, but lacks serious documentation for more complicated stuff.
Haven’t tried other proxies, but why should I, traefik works great and never had any relevant issues that would make me wanna change ! P