Comment on Thermal Transistors Handle Heat With No Moving PartsThe technology offers a new way to cool down chips quickly ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

This article is so much better than what was posted 2 weeks ago (

Now I do understand it better, tho still not perfectly.

So it can be used to manage hot spots in chips and semiconductors.

If you don’t know why it matters, in one of these 2 videos (I don’t remember which one) Der8auer discusses with an intel engineer the challenges of designing a chip, where to put the thermal probe and why some parts are designed like that :

Basically : the heat travels through the chip at different rates depending on the material distance… And finding the hot spot is very challenging, also because it is generated in the cpu cores, which may not have room for a thermal probe.

So having better cooling where it matters can be a benefit for chip cooling and efficiency.

Now I don’t know if this tech can evolve into something which can be used for this.
