Comment on Ultra-white ceramic cools buildings with record-high 99.6% reflectivity 1 year agoSure, but there is more than just transparent gases, there is also some solid objects.
No that’s not a well known fact at all since it’s not even remotely correct… that has more to do with the sheer amount of ice cooling the planet than diffusion reflection. 1 year ago
Of course it will affect stuff: it will cool it down. It’ really very basic. Scenario 1:
Scenario 2: 1 year ago
And all the greenhouse gases it will heat up as it passes through them?
It’s not that simple, and you claiming it is show you have zero understanding of the potential issues. Your life age example shows that it can affect the globe at scale. Thank you for part of the answer, I’m surprised you’re still arguing after proving my point. 1 year ago
I’m not arguing it’s not going to affect the globe at scale (even though you would have to cover shitload of building in this to affect it). I’m saying that we know what the effect would be: it would cool it down.
What you fail to understand is that if solar radiation hits a dark surface, like a roof, this energy is transferred to earth. That’s it. It’s here. Now it’s really difficult to get rid of it. Greenhouse gases make this even more difficult.
But if solar radiation hits a white surface SOME of this energy will be reflected back to space. Not ALL of it, some of will still stay here but overall it will LESS energy.
Greenhouse gasses trap the radiation emitted by earth as heat, not the reflected light. Think about it. If greenhouse gases reflected light then we would get less light from the sun, right? Part of it would be reflected. They don’t do that. They let light pass through and stop the heat radiated from earth. If you reflect light instead of trapping it that’s a good thing.
This is so basic I’m starting to suspect you’re just trolling so I will end this conversation here… 1 year ago
I understand that fine…
Green house gases absorb radiation unlike transparent gases. It directly refutes one of your claims since they exist at the same time. Why are you talking about reflection here…?
You clearly don’t know enough to answer the question correctly. Have a great day.