No - the tech angle is internet based content streaming has created new business models that didn’t fit for the way artists are paid, which resulted in artists taking a massive pay cut while still being paid the full amount they were due under union rules.
It’s also bad for viewers - ever wonder why your favourite TV series didn’t get renewed for a new contract? A big part of it is if they did another season they’d have to pay the artists a lot more than they did for previous seasons. Because artist royalties scale up as the show gets more “successful” and creating another season is one of the yardsticks. 1 year ago
The short version is that an actor’s AI double, and an AI amalgam of several actors, will be treated as a proxy for the actor(s). The actor can agree or decline the use of their AI proxy based on the scene, and are compensated for use of their likeness as if they had gone in person. It’s a pretty big win for actors considering studios wanted unlimited usage for a one time payment. 1 year ago
Must be nice being famous. Get paid for the work of the CGI people (and stunt/body/etc. doubles?), as if you were also doing something. The stars at the top can probably negotiate even better terms on their own, So I guess that this is basically a win for the mid-level guys, who do have a somewhat valuable likeness but not the negotiating power to get a good price on their own. 1 year ago
Didn’t downvote you - but a good stunt double earns a quarter million dollars a year. They’re paid well. 1 year ago
Yes. I am sure the somewhat famous are paid well. I don’t understand how this could explain why I am downvoted?
Longer explanation of why I wonder about doubles: One will probably use AI to make them look more like the real thing. IF this means that the “likeness owner” needs to be paid, then that becomes an extra cost factor. So the incentive will be to avoid this. This may mean that the doubles either lose employment opportunities or have to take a pay cut. The CGI artists obviously lose out in any case (not to mention the viewers). 1 year ago
I imagine a somewhat valuable likeness will have someone “close enough” at a lower price in most cases. I would imagine that only the massively famous will benefit from this. 1 year ago
True, but I doubt there is a point in using a likeness if you can’t advertise it.