Comment on Why We Need An Anti-AI Movement Too

<- View Parent ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

No. No we don’t. This is straight delusional levels of optimism on display here. The universe is entropic by nature. Things get used up. Barring some form of miracle tech we can’t even conceive of yet, it is not possible for us to have an infinite amount of anything.

Lol wat are you talking about? The amount of extractable resources on the moon itself are enough to sustain a thousand humanities. Efficient resource usage ensures close to 100% recycling. The only thing that gets “used up” is energy. I’m very confident that we’ll be generating energy by fusion within this century. And for fusion fuel, it is so so so so unimaginabely abundant! If a spaceship decided to go interstellar, it wouldn’t even need to carry its own fuel. The sheer amount of hydrogen in the interstellar medium itself is enough to provide a lot of fuel. It’s like a ship moving in an ocean of oil. Plus, I’m pretty sure that humanity wouldn’t increase in population much after space travel becomes a thing. I’m kinda tired right now, so I won’t elaborate on that. But in short, other sources of entertainment + an anti natalist culture + longer lifespans + deviation from the traditional monogamous two partner model would end up lessening the need for having kids.

That’s the thing though. They aren’t smart. We have seen time and time again that they would cut off their nose to spite their face. Why would this be any different?

But they ARE smart (kinda). Had they been stupid, we would have had socialist systems in place a loooong time ago. Don’t fool yourself by equating the bourgeoisie to Elon Musk. He’s just an egoistic idiot who was very lucky. The others however, are egoist and lucky, but not necessarily idiots. Take Rupert Murdoch for instance. The mf single handedly caused Brexit, and is responsible for progressive politics to be held back in the US for a looong time. Look at all the oil execs for instance. Why haven’t climate friendly policies taken hold? These ppl gaslighted entire populations into serving their own interests. The bourgeoisie are evil, sure. Doesn’t mean that they are stupid enough to act against their own interests.
