Comment on [deleted] ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

One thing that I found really fun and very educational was to find a protocol or format I found cool (something like XMPP, WebDAV, SSH, gzip, etc) and try to implement it in a place that wasn’t immediately obvious how (like, if you’re trying to learn Go, maybe don’t pick WebDAV, cause it’s already implemented in the standard library). I like to print out the RFCs or specs and put them in a binder. Then I read through and highlight important bits and put little sticky flags on the page. Then as I implement it, I’ll reference that printout.

It’s an incredible feeling when you get to the point that your software is talking to someone else’s software and it’s all working. And it really teaches you how the software you use every day really works under the hood.

Btw, I wouldn’t recommend the ActivityPub protocol. Even though it’s really useful and really powerful, I don’t consider it to be written very well or novice friendly. There are a lot of places where it is either ambiguous or just flat out contradicts itself. If you find a protocol like that, it can make you want to pull your hair out.
