Comment on [deleted] 1 year agoWe can harmoniously be united in diversity ;
explain how that would work? How can harmony work on a planet wide scale? Not everyone share the same values and even disapprove of others that have other values. 1 year ago
Thanks for asking !
I’ll take more time tomorrow to answer in more depth(, even if only for me), but for now i can quickly say that this set of rules/conditions won’t be defined by a single person(, much less myself), as i see it it would take at least 25 years to build, and 5 years before the first experimentations. It’d be, after all, one of the most important thing that humanity could do.
This disapproval of other values can easily be solved through propaganda, we naturally aspire to peace and thinking that our side is better than the other doesn’t imply we need to wage war against the “inferior ideologies”, even for their own good, we should aim to change them only through the proximity of our example(, if they accept such proximity).
An obstacle i can see is our leaders, they’ll think that they have to act for more supremacy while they still have time, and may honestly believe that the pax americana is desirable, or at least preferable to the alternative of an “anarchic” world. They won’t immediately believe that we could make rules that can’t be broken, such that “showing kindess” won’t turn up against us in the end.
Among many other goals behind the experimentation of such rules, we’ll have to think of every possible way to break these rules/conditions, and devise the most effective counter-measures ever thought of, i don’t see any other way.
There’re certainly other problems to tackle, do you have one in mind ?