Comment on AI companies have all kinds of arguments against paying for copyrighted content ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

The question should be pretty simple:

Does the AI product output copyrighted material?

If I ask it for the text of Harry Potter, will it give it to me? If I ask it for a copy of a Keith Haring painting, will it give me one? If I ask it to perform Williams’s Jurassic Park theme, will it do so?

If it does, it’s infringing copyright.

If it does not, it is not.

If it just reads the web and learns from copyrighted material, but carefully refuses to republish or perform that material, it should not be considered to infringe, for the same reasons a human student is not. Artistic styles and literary skills are not copyrightable.

e e cummings doesn’t get to forbid everyone else from writing in lowercase.

(Some generations of ChatGPT won’t even recite Shakespeare, due to overzealous copyright filters that fail to correctly count it as public domain. The AI folks are trying!)
