Sure, in that hypothetical, there would be no case, but that would make her legal team absolute idiots for thinking that simple mimicry would be a case they could win. And there is absolutely no reason to think they are idiots since Johansson doesn’t have a history of frivolous lawsuits or losing her legal battles. She went up against hackers stealing her nudes as well as Disney and won both cases, so I’m going to give her legal team the benefit of the doubt here.
Yeah, I’m absolutely against the whole “using published works to train AI violates copyright” trend. It doesn’t make sense as long as the AI is trained not to violate copyright with its results. People are trained on published works all the time, and they aren’t punished until they violate the law with the work that they produce. I think the same rules should apply to AI. 1 year ago
Sure, in that hypothetical, there would be no case, but that would make her legal team absolute idiots for thinking that simple mimicry would be a case they could win. And there is absolutely no reason to think they are idiots since Johansson doesn’t have a history of frivolous lawsuits or losing her legal battles. She went up against hackers stealing her nudes as well as Disney and won both cases, so I’m going to give her legal team the benefit of the doubt here. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Yeah, I’m absolutely against the whole “using published works to train AI violates copyright” trend. It doesn’t make sense as long as the AI is trained not to violate copyright with its results. People are trained on published works all the time, and they aren’t punished until they violate the law with the work that they produce. I think the same rules should apply to AI.