People may argue that AI is quickly improving on this but it will take a massive leap between a perfect diffusion model an Artificial General Intelligence. Fundamentally, those aren’t even the same kind of thing.
But AI as it is today can already cause a lot of harm simply by taking over jobs that people need to make a living, on the lack of something like UBI.
Some people say this kind of Skynet fearmongering is nothing but another kind of marketing for AI investors. It makes its developments seem much more powerful than they actually are. 1 year ago
I’m not saying it’s not a problem that we will have to deal with, I’m just saying the apocalypse is gonna happen before that, and for different reasons. 1 year ago
Even with the terrible climate-based disasters our recklessness will bring to our future, humanity won’t face complete extermination. I don’t think we get to escape our future issues so easily.