Comment on AI one-percenters seizing power forever is the real doomsday scenario, warns AI godfather 1 year agoImagine knowing so little but writing so much.
Bonus fun y points for calling me a “wall street shill” in a thread abnut an interaction that specifically does not involve the stock market. 1 year ago
Lmao ok bud if that was true refute this “nonsense” right? Or do you not want me pointing to the constant fines handed out in regards to this shit? Do you want me to explain the legal loopholes in the regulations governing our markets that you will want to point to as proof this isn’t a widespread issue?
Bonus points for sneaking in a GME subversion that had no relevance in the first place to try and make it seem anyone talking about market reform is some cultist. It’s a tell for meltdowners and shills lmaoo.
Damn I really love all the space in your brain I get to take up rent free it’s so spacious in here with your lack of critical thinking skills, ahhhhh so comfy.