Comment on The Not-So-Great Replacement Theory

<- View Parent ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

“Once more, culture changes, heritage does not exactly because people FIGHT against the natural order of “everything flows” to keep their heritage the same as it always has been” Once more if heritage didn’t naturally inherently change then there wouldn’t be anything to fight. Heritage changes.

“You are still confusing heritage with culture: Mona Lisa is art and it fits in my definition of culture. Still no valid example of heritage changing over time, just another example of you failing to understand my definitions” I’m not confusing heritage and culture. The two are intimately intertwined. Your definition is garbo and doesn’t match the rest of the world or reality so that doesn’t matter. The entire rest of the world considers the artistic achievements of a society’s past to be part of their heritage.

“Conservatives are out to stop the changes in culture and society (culture war much?), they are using heritage as an excuse to explain why culture and society shouldn’t change” duh. And because if enough people change course in culture and society adopts that heritage will change. If heritage didn’t change then conservatives wouldn’t need to give a shit about culture or society changing because heritage would stay the same.

“You accuse me of using conditionals in my replies but you are no better. I have countless examples of people casted out of their social circles for having messed with their heritages, do you have one single example of people messing with their group heritages without suffering any backlash? If yes please provide them” I am better. I am considering the general case. If you have cases where heritage doesn’t change and you also have cases where heritage changes and you make the claim that heritage never changes then you are wrong. If you have cases where heritage doesn’t change and you have cases where heritage changes and you make the claim that heritage changes then you are right. Something doesn’t need to change every time in order to have the property of being able to change. Now you’ve made it clear that you are not bright enough to understand that so I will give you your example. My heritage says I ought to be going to church every sunday. I don’t. Still get along great with the family and everyone at church. One example. An example that isn’t alone by a long shot.

“Oh no, it does. Expecially for those poor children and their families” this wasn’t the clever turn that you thought it was. The similarity between you and those people stands exactly as validly before. Both of you are trying to eliminate a heritage that you view as bad. They wanted to instill christian culture and values and heritage into the children. You want to instill your preferred culture and values and you just are not bright enough to understand that that also means a heritage too. What ever you substitute for the bad heritage becomes heritage. It might be a very short lived one but it still fills that role. it still gets passed along.

“My definition is mine by definition (sic), I already told you that. Challenge me on the merit of my definitions: take them, analyse them and provide me with logical reasons why they are false.” Why did you put sic there? The definition that you came up with has elements that no other definition has and which are counter to the usage of the concept of heritage by the entire rest of the world. That is the major reason why your definition lacks merit. I have also pointed out that the cases where you discuss people fighting against heritage changing are a logical contradiction to your definition. Your definition is like defining weather as only being when its raining and claiming that the weather never changes. Its functionally useless and obviously false even if it is internally consistent. Its built on blatantly false posits.

“While you’re at it maybe try providing definitions for heritage and culture yourself.” nah i still got some time to faff about like you did. And even then I get to keep changing it slightly.

“also the fact that repeating myself over and over again makes me bored” when you are too stubborn to back down after saying something embarrassingly wrong you will run into that.

Your protip was bullshit. Your definition is garbo. I’ve provided plenty of examples and the logic of why.

Weather is only when its raining and weather never changes.
