Comment on Tailscale - vhat am I doing wrong? 1 year ago
Firstly, what type of things are you trying to allow your friend to do on your tailnet? I’ve had trouble in the past trying to get friends to connect to game servers across tailnets, but have been fine connecting friends to things like Jellyfin. Any information on this might be helpful to look over.
Secondly, Have you checked out the ACLs? Access controls to your network can sometimes make things not play nice. Here is the docs on managing your Access control list. 1 year ago
Acls suck.
I always end up using chatgpt to get them at up properly. 1 year ago
Yeah I always feel incredibly dumb when I have to edit them. It’s also the only thing I could think of that might be causing issue with OPs tailnet. 1 year ago
Its a great thing to check. All of the issues I’ve ever had with tailscale stem from the ACLs. Its.Always.the.ACLs.
My favorite is when there is just a tiny footnote on the docs at the bottom that says ~“if you do this maybe check your acls because its not gonna work without changing them”~