Comment on The 8-bit Guy - My Dream Computer is Finally on Sale! (Commander X16 update)

<- View Parent ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

If you want a good CPU design with a 16-bit address space, take a look at the PDP-11.

Which was used in home computers, just not in the west

I agree with you, though. I’m kind of the prime market for this from an educational standpoint. My oldest kid has just learned to read to write (kind of). She’s fascinated by computers. She’s only played retrogames (happily) thus far, so she wouldn’t be put off by the 8-bit era’s graphics or sound.

But even so…what would I be hoping to teach her with this? How to work around the idiocies of the 6502? That life is full of unnecessary obstacles and frustration? I’m kind of meh on it.
