Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year agoFucking LMAO
if you seriously think that artists make any money that matters from Spotify you have been drinking the corporate koolaid mate.
Artists who do make money out of Spotify are already multi milionares and do not need the money. 1 year ago
So if I understand your position correctly, you feel entitled to free content because the artists already have what you have determined to be enough money? 1 year ago
What a way to misrepresent my argument, holy moly.
I don’t feel entitled to anything, never said so in any way whatsoever. You are only claiming that because you argue in bad faith.
Let me spell it out for you: artists who need money don’t make a living out of Spotify. They make pennies on the dollar. They make money from patreon, merch, deals or if they are famous enough, concerts.
People who do make enough money to (in theory) make a living from Spotify are millionares already.
If you think millonares need more money you are delusional. 1 year ago
Again, if I reformat your argument, what you are saying is that it is better to not pay musicians at all through services like Spotify or YouTube Music and continue to steal their content, regardless of how famous or rich they are. Unless I have missed something, that is the essence of what you are saying.