Comment on ‘Tragic and unnecessary’: Truck driver didn’t see cyclist hit and killed ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Repeating the comments from Space4Cycling Bne:

We wrote to the Coroner back in 2020 asking that an inquest address these questions:

i. Given construction happening in the area, combined with closure of various paths and bikeways, and type of truck involved known to have large blind spots, who approved the truck route, which was busy with pedestrians and cyclists?

ii. What consideration was given to how cyclists might access the RBWH Cycle Centre safely with all this happening (including closure of the footpath on Bowen Bridge Road which Carolyn would usually have taken), and how was this communicated?

iii. Given large volume of pedestrians and cyclists accessing RBWH and the Cycle Centre, is the road design of the intersection where Carolyn was killed suitable and safe for the number of people who use it?

iv. Trucks continued to travel through the intersection immediately following the accident and in the days following. Why wasn’t the operation at the worksite where the trucks originated and similar worksites shut down pending an assessment of the vehicles and the route?

v. What co-ordination was in place between the various work sites in the area to ensure safe movement?

None of these questions were addressed by the report. And so almost none of the systemic failures that lead to this unnecessary death will be addressed.
