Yeah, Spotify has supposedly been working on a lossless option, but it's been in the works for years now. Don't have a clue what the hold-up is, especially given that other services have it already. Tidal and Apple Music have it already if it's something particularly important to you.
Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year agowe have a family subscription (12€/mo.?) in our household, and i would probably not go back to pirating music anytime soon. they offer genuinely great features and from your post, they don’t seem to be the bad guy here. anyway, if it’s not shutting down in the next couple of months, i’ll keep using it. but they do neet to get some FLACs onto there soon.
if there existed something like spotify for video streaming, i probably wouldn’t even pirate movies right now. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Supposedly they have a hifi serviyon the way that will offer lossless streaming, potentially pretty expensive though -…/spotify-hifi-release-date-when-is-… 1 year ago
I personally would never pay for music it it weren’t for Spotify.