Comment on How can I become a better conversationalist? ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

When in doubt ask questions. Try to actively listen to what people are saying, think about what they’re saying, and just ask any questions that pop up in your head. People love to talk about what they’re passionate about, especially questions, it shows you’re engaged. You don’t have to have any original idea or contribute anything, just a series of questions. At the end of the conversation the other party will feel like oh I had a great conversation, even though you didn’t contribute or volunteer any information. You especially see this in diplomats and negotiators, they don’t need to tell you anything about themselves, they just need you to feel good about talking to them.

So just listen for a bit, when somebody mentioned something think about it, start asking questions. You don’t have to provide any anecdote on your own to have a successful conversation.
