Comment on [HELP] Sound proofing and cooling server cabinet ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Regarding sound proofing:

Measure the loudness level in dB (A) [the A is important, don’t get measurements in just “dB”], and if possible check the frequency spectrum. RoomEQ Wizard is a free software, that does a great job. Otherwise, an app with similar possibilites does the job aswell, and you don’t need to hassle with an external microphone.

This is important, so you can check which frequencies produce the most noise, thus you can proof more effectively. Example given, you’ve got a noise level of 120 dB (A) around 100 Hz, you would work on this task differently, as if you’ve got 70 dB (A) around 1000 Hz.

The higher the frequency, the shorter are the wavelengths, which leads to thinner dampening methods needed. The lower the frequencies are, the bigger the more absorbant the material should be.

Regarding non-flammable materials with good absorbation, check out Basotect, which you can buy and cut for your needs.
