Comment on Don't forget to tip

<- View Parent ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I think there’s a few more parts.

Lack of housing means that you have to bid more than anyone else in your area was offering, including greedy wannabe landlords who watched an episode of Homes Under the Hammer and think it’s easy money. When I bought my house, I tried haggling down. Now they’re haggling up. Even if the landlords weren’t an issue, you’d still be competing with all the 30-something couples in your area desperate to get their feet on the housing ladder.

Insanely low interest rates has lulled people into the idea that the crazy prices “aren’t that much” when paid back over 30-40 years. Rising interest rates would fuck a lot of people over who suddenly find their wages going up by 10%, but their mortgage payments going up by 100%. Plus who wants to still be paying off their house when they’re pushing 70? Fuck that noise.

Governments and local government need to step in and provide housing at reasonable rents. The glorious free markets have had housing for too long and fucked it right up.
