Reddit’s been screwing up so much that I had to look twice at this post. XD
Comment on Six Months Ago NPR Left Twitter. The Effects Have Been Negligible 1 year ago
We can say the same about Reddit too. Less and less use, same way as Digg and slowly it will fade into unimportance. 1 year ago 1 year ago
In Digg’s case it was waning until v5 when it fully collapsed under the weight of ineptitude. 1 year ago
Yea Digg and Reddit aren’t really comparable for a number of reasons. Digg changed their entire website overnight into something that was fundamentally different to what it was. Reddit on the other hand looks and feels pretty much the same as it has for years. Anecdotally, most people I know in my life who use Reddit aren’t even aware of anything going on.
Additionally Reddit has something that Digg was never able to achieve, a huge presence over Google search results. Even if Reddit locked down completely today like some kind of read-only site it would still continue to get a ton of traffic for this reason alone. 1 year ago
Losing reddit archived content would have disastrous content on internet. It is one of the last trustworthy source of opinios/information left on the internet. Everything else feels autogenerated and fakewould have disastrous content on internet. It is one of the last trustworthy source of opinios/information left on the internet. Everything else feels autogenerated and fake. 1 year ago
I agree that it was one of the last trustworthy sources - but with the verifiable reports of posts being edited/deleted/undeleted before/during/after the whole 3rd party app debacle, and the ban that prevents checking to see what was originally posted (pushshift was banned in May '23) - I don’t trust it anymore, and actively try to avoid it for all but independently verifiable technical stuff. It’s made things more difficult, I used to count on it as a source but now I barely trust it as a starting point.