Comment on Google will now make passkeys the default for personal accounts ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I have a very long list of questions about PassKeys and none of this articles explains them well enough.

  1. Does Android have it build in AOSP or Google Play Services?
  2. Would it be possible to actually see your private key on Android? Like export them to a file?
  3. Does they work without third party service? Can it be just me and the service I am logging in, or does it require my servers from PassKey provider (like Google, Bitwarden, 1Password) to work?
  4. Can it be used offline? For example, can an offline device create token that second online device could use for login? (Like TOTP codes).
  5. Does they work on other Internet services than the Web? In other words, does they work purely over HTTP and webviews or can they be in future used to login in for ex. SSH servers?
