You understand food has to come from somewhere and Israel controls the sea, the air and most of the land while bombing the fuck out of the people and infrastructure.
You understand food has to come from somewhere and Israel controls the sea, the air and most of the land while bombing the fuck out of the people and infrastructure. 1 year ago
Yeah and so it’s not simple for them to provide the necessary logistics while taking into account their other priorities. 1 year ago
Not starving millions of people right on their doorstep is not highest on their list of priorities?
It’s pretty easy to not cut off their power supply that they control.
It’s pretty easy to stop carpet bombing civilians (including the banned use of phosphorus weapons near densely populated areas which happened yesterday)
It’s pretty easy to not stop humanitarian aid.
It’s pretty easy to stop blockading them.
It’s pretty easy to stop killing them indiscriminately.
They just choose not to do the right thing.