Comment on Windows 12 May Require a Subscription 1 year ago
Please don’t make me go back to Linux. Linux has become an unusable clusterfuck of bugs, poorly implemented trash, and garbage over the last several years and after using it since the late 90s, I’ve recently decided to free myself from it because I couldn’t take it any more. I’ve accepted that Windows is the only OS that has itself together these days (fuck Apple and its trash, overpriced, hardware-tied OS, fuck the extremely limited ChromeOS, fuck NODRIVERS *BSD, and especially goddamn fuck horrible user interface crappy system mobile OSes), so if Microsoft makes some shit moves to make their OS unusable, I’m just going to throw all the computers in the trash and go live in the wilderness in a shack chopping wood. 1 year ago
Linux has been becoming more and more beginner friendly for a few years now, almost everyone gets frustrated by Windows.
The only reason Windows is big is because it’s the only computer OS where you can do gaming, other than that it sucks as much as the next OS.