Comment on [Survey] Can you tell which images are AI generated?

<- View Parent ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I suspect they hate it not because of any features of the actual images themselves, but for what it means to how society as a whole treats art.

For some it's simply financial. Their career is at stake, an industry that they thought was a stable source of employment is now on the leading edge of a huge shake-up that might not need them at all in the future.

For others it's seen as an attack on their personal self-worth. For years - for generations - there has been a steady drumbeat insistence that art is what makes humans "special." Both specific artists, and humanity in general. It was supposed to be a special skill that we had that set us above the animals and the machines. And now that's been usurped.

It's like the old folk take of John Henry, the steel-driving man who made a heroic last stand against Skynet's forces in the railroad construction industry. People want to think humans are irreplaceable and art seemed like a rock-solid anchor for that. Turns out it was actually not.
