I’ll never not laugh at cult members praising their lord and saviour. It’s like when the police investigate themselves and find little or no wrongdoing and the bootlickers latch onto any conclusion they reach. Of course Apple is going to make it seem like they actively care, dumbass.
Apple has been a manufacturing company since the beginning, so it has been profiting off of it longer than any other companies you want to lump them with. I’m willing to bet workers condition got better than when Apple moved it manufacturing to China. Remember suicide nets?
Them claiming to be workers friendly now, is only because people are slightly annoyed by it, but will still buy their products regardless, while Apple blames the contractors. How bloody convenient.
otter@lemmy.ca 1 year ago
A lot of companies have ‘standards’ on the books, but there’s more to it than that. I haven’t read the article yet, but sometimes a company will create standards but not actually enforce/check up on them, or worse they’ll demand so much from the factories that the standards couldn’t be met even if the factories tried