Comment on [deleted] 1 year agoIt is hypocritical to claim to be the party of law and order when you support sedition, the interference of elections, and violence against political enemies.
Is Stupider representative of all conservatives? You know, making the stupider assumption he’s actually conservative and not a troll?
Also, “the party of law and order” I didn’t know the GOP had exclusive rights to the conservative mindset, and they were all identical.
At least in my latest fluff post, I made sure to mention that it was one guy doing a dumb thing, and not representative of all lefties, or even the DNC. 1 year ago
I never said he was. He is however, representative of a significant chunk of conservatives.
We’ve already talked about this. His intentions are irrelevant, no matter what they are he is spreading support for sedition, election interference, violence against political enemies, etc.
Even if he is a troll, this is essentially what he is doing.
I never said the GOP did.