Comment on Federal judge again strikes down California law banning gun magazines of more than 10 rounds 1 year agoLol driving is a privilege, not a right. All that rambling and you still can’t get it right.
The 2nd is literally the only right that specifically states “shall not be infringed.” Yet here you are wanting it infringed because you’re scared.
And you obviously don’t know who Michelle Grisham is. I’ll end my interaction there. Learn before you speak. 1 year ago
It is in fact a right.…/20220301155927765_20220301-153…
And gun control does not infringe that right anymore than car regulations infringe the right to travel.
I want gun control not because I am scared (I’m not), but because people are dying over this and it is easily preventable. We are basically the only country to have this problem. Almost all of the other developed nations have figured this shit out and don’t regularly have shootings or gun deaths at the scale we do.
I already had a conversation about her. I am well aware of who she is. Since you didn’t understand what I was saying, allow me to rephrase. 1 year ago
People are not dying “over” this. People are dying because they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just like people buried in an avalanche or a hurricane or a car wreck or insert unfortunate circumstance here. You only want to say people are dying over it to add emotion to your plea for infringement. A disarmed populace is easy to control and that’s how you want it. But it ain’t gonna happen. I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Some of you are perfectly comfortable down there. 1 year ago
~50,000 people died in 2021 alone.…/what-the-data-says-about-gun-de…
I’m saying it because it is true.
You’re mistaken. I don’t want the populace disarmed. I want all gun owners to be responsible gun owners, but that isn’t going to happen without regulation. Those who are able to safely own a gun and want to own a gun should own a gun. Nobody else should. Ideally we would have gun regulation that falls somewhere between the Netherlands’ or Finland’s gun law, which have a ~20x lower and ~3x lower death rate than our country.…/gun-deaths-by-country
Thanks for the ad hominem, you really have me convinced. 1 year ago
Of that 50,000, how many were suicide? Should we register rope? How about table saws? Saw that one while I was doing biotrauma cleanup for a certain company with yellow trucks.
I’ll go ahead and tell you - in 2021 54% we’re suicides. (…/what-the-data-says-about-gun-de…)
43% we’re murders. Additionally, how many of that 43% were defensive shootings? Either home defense or individual self defense?
Additionally how many of those were negligent discharges?
I’ll go ahead and tell you - 549 we’re “accidental” (read: negligent)
You can’t just throw out an arbitrary number and say government can make people less violent or depressed or more responsible by giving themselves more power. That’s not how the world works. People will find a way to be violent to themselves or others or just plain irresponsible but the actions of a few should absolutely NOT curtail the rights of the many.
Registration leads to confiscation. That’s now an established fact. While we’re comparing our country to others, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, Norway and Canada have all, in recent times, banned and confiscated registered firearms. Australia and Canada have been particularly egregious about it.
People are not dying “over” it. A far majority of those deaths would have happened regardless given that only 549 were “accidents.”
Suicide and murder will take place regardless of means or method. By trying to give more power to an already overstepping government, you’re throwing stones to topple rocks. Solve problems, don’t replace them.