Comment on PasswordManagement: which one of these options would you choose? ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I’m currently using Keepassxc. The setup that I created below gives me 3-backups of my passwords, but it’s a bit to manage.


On my computer, I have my keepassxc database and key file stored in a veracrypt container. Next to my computer, I have a piece of paper that has the password for my keepassxc database and the password for my veracrypt container.

computer -> veracrypt container -> keepassxc database AND keepassxc key file

paper -> keepassxc database pw AND veracrypt pw

KeePassXC Export File (text file that contains all of my login information)

I store this file inside of a veracrypt container, on my USB LUKS. Next to my USB LUKS, I have a piece of paper that has the associated veracrypt password.

usb luks -> veracrypt container/Tomb container -> keepassxc export file

paper -> veracrypt pw


I store my database in cloud service a.

I store my key file in a veracrypt container, in cloud service b.

On a piece of paper, I have the login information to both of these cloud accounts and the password for the veracrypt container.
