Comment on Is there anyone working on a federated equivalent to letterboxd? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

The suggestion of a Fediverse IMDb/Trakt/letterboxd comes up about once a month on here. This is my last comment on it and you can follow the links back to previous discussions but to summarise:

I’m still enthusiastic about it as I want to move my stuff off IMDb (lists, ratings, etc) but the only viable home is really Trakt at the moment and who knows when that will get bought up and I have to move again. A better option would be to wait for a Fediverse alternative and make that my ultimate home. Perhaps this time around the project will get the momentum it needs. 🤞🤞

Features on top of the standard add, review and rate films that I’d like to see:
