Comment on [deleted] 1 year agoI haven’t been a conservative since…we’ll, ever. But thanks for the ill informed remark.
Comment on [deleted] 1 year agoI haven’t been a conservative since…we’ll, ever. But thanks for the ill informed remark. 1 year ago
Then maybe it’s time you accept who you really are and throw your centrist mask.
Anyone preferring the Electoral College to a direct democratic vote for the president election is a downright conservative in my eyes as he (or she) prefer to keep things as they are (conserve) even if these things are proven to be worst than an already existing alternative.
Glad I could show you your true colours, I hope you’ll be more honest with yourself and everybody around you from now on. Even if I doubt it, since you are a conservative and conservatives flee from truth as vamiprea flee the sunlight. 1 year ago
Fist of all, thanks for your comment. Secondly, I never stated a preference, I only asked a question. Some people are so afraid of questions that the interpret them as statements. Rather than thinking about an issue, they choose to take a side. This is lazy thinking. You’re one of those. 1 year ago
And yet, where presented with an answer explaining you that democracy = all votes have the same value (which is the literal definition of democracy ( you decided to answer “no thanks” and proceeded to keep your wrong line of thinking.
That’s not lazy thinking, that’s no thinking at all. Just like a conservative would do.