Comment on Amazon Is Using Your Conversations With Alexa to Train AI

<- View Parent ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I have 7 in my house. I have my lights, plant humidifier, TV, air filter, Aquarium equipment, and others all hooked up to them. You can run almost anything you need to just by using your voice.

Getting ready to watch something on TV? “Alexa it’s movie time.” Turns on the TV and Switches the input to the Shield and opens up our go to media app. Shuts off all lights in the house except the living room. Dims those to 10% and changes them to red. Just enough light to see your snacks and the remote by. Turns off the sump filter for the Aquariums in just the living room but leaves the in tank bubble filter going for better silence. All with 4 spoken words and no need to work with multiple remotes and apps in your phone.

That’s just one example. We have an obscene amount of routines setup for nearly ecery scenario we have run across and adding new ones is easy.

Hell… We even have a routine where if you say “Alexa, do you know Desi naach?” It plays Naatu Naatu from every speaker in the house at full volume.

Show me a FOSS system as plug and play, powerful, and as EASY to use as Alexa and I’ll drop Alexa in the trash tommorow and switch.
