Comment on So Much for ‘Learn to Code’ - In the age of AI, computer science is no longer the safe major. ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Considering the amount of flat out incorrect or wildly off-base code GPT has generated on surprisingly simple tasks over the past nearly year now, no I’m too worried about my job. I find it handy for time to time in replacing stuff I previously used a search engine for, but for anything novel or not straightforward (aka, anything outside of its training set), it’s less than useful or actively harmful in trying to lead me down the wrong path. Overall, it still requires a human with significant knowledge in the field to know how to use the information these tools generate and how to put the pieces together to do something useful. I don’t see how that could change until there is an actual reasoning artificial intelligence brain developed which is a BIG ask, if it’s even possible in our lifetimes, or ever.

And for what it’s worth, no I did not RTFA. I’ve spent enough time reading articles prophesizing the doom of software engineering due to generative AI and don’t feel like wasting more time on the topic.
