I get by for 2 people on $50 per week in NJ near NYC by:
- Shopping at Aldi
- Going vegetarian unless eating out (rarely). Must is very expensive, but many of my favorite produce is not much more expensive than before inflation started. We switched to egg whites from Costco instead of paying crazy prices for a dozen whole eggs.
- Learning how to cook healthy. Spinach, red onions, tomatoes, bagged legumes, whole wheat pasta are all dirt cheap
Guest_User@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Oh sure $25 seems doable without any major losses. But $1 a day for extended periods for an entire family sounds really hard to sustain. But given their reply it seems they have a lot of other food sources they are considering free which makes those numbers make more sense.
Totally agree meat can be a luxury item although there can be good sales at times. And cooking instead of eating out is a massive money saver!