Comment on Twitter Ranked Dead Last on Climate Misinformation Scorecard

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago…/twitter-bans-ads-deny-climate-c…

Twitter chose Earth Day to announce it will ban advertisements that deny the scientific consensus on climate crisis.

Note: ads, not user tweets.

Same year :…/elon-musk-twitter-climate-misinfor…

There have been more tweets and retweets “using climate-sceptic terminology” in 2022 than in any other year since Twitter’s founding in 2006,

So yeah, there has been “no change”…in other words, climate denialism is free to proliferate on TwittX, and proliferate it has.

Not sure why you place climate misinformation in quotes, it is indeed a thing, but personally I prefer “denier lies”.
