Comment on How do you currently handle Covid infections? 1 year ago
Should I still isolate myself after a positive test?
Yes. You can still infect others and others can still have long covid reactions or complications.
Is it ok to do my own shopping (with a mask) or should I call someone?
No, because that is not isolation. The vast majority of supermarkets these days do parking lot pick up or even home delivery
Do I still wait for a negative test or simply to be free of symptoms? According to the CDC, you can end isolation after a negative test. I would strongly encourage after TWO negative tests because the home testers are far from perfect. The last time I had covid I tested after my symptoms were “mostly gone” and once I had a negative morning test I then did an evening test to confirm.
But, above all: Even if you refuse to acknowledge that covid is serious, you can go a long way by treating it like the flu. If you are sick, don’t go out in public. Don’t cough on people or sneeze on people. And if you are at all concerned you are sick, wear a mask indoors to avoid spreading it to others. 1 year ago
Sorry I don’t think it’s true that the CDC recommends isolating until you have a negative test.
You might still have antigens and therefore test positive for many weeks after no longer being infectious.
There’s a page at the CDC that says if you suspect you have covid then isolate, test after a few days, then if you test negative you can end isolation. If you test positive then you need to isolate for 5 days or something.
If you test positive you don’t need to wait for a negative result. 1 year ago
Culture starts at the top. Set a good example. Send people home when they are sick. If you don’t enforce your culture people will make up their own.