Comment on if it turned out there was a sentient AI capable of running the world would you accept it or rebell against it? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

We already have AI running all the shit. If you’re looking for a job, AIs look through resumes, they can hire you and fire you and do everything else around it. AI determine if you can get a loan and with what interest rate.

I don’t feel like we’re better for it.

AI can design kickass cars and fusion reactors, but removing people from decisions about people doesn’t seem like a great idea.

Besides, even if AI was actually better at it, the fact that it’s not as fireable or held accountable like a human can (at least in theory) makes it an issue.

Basically I’m ok if AI gives suggestions, even at the top level, but there need to be people able to go “hol up, that’s not something we actually want” if it declares something stupid.

I do think we’ll need new forms of government and different kind of people to coexist with AI at those governments.
