Comment on Any domain registrar/hosting provider that does not require propietary software to run? 1 year agoonce
I get thy stand on this, personally I also have to compromise my software freedom to register my domains, but again OP asked to avoid X and saying after doing X you won’t have to is not answering the question. 1 year ago
But he said “proprietary software to run”, not to “setup” or “register” or whatever. 1 year ago
Ah yes, I bet thou can also skip the booting part when thou run software on thy compooter. And Jehovah (or an idol of thy choice) forbids any configuration or upgrade requiring a reboot.
If thou dissect this even more clearly thou wouldof noticed OP asked about running a domain registrar or hosting provider, not using their service. Also the word was propietary.
Now, if thou excuse OP’s imperfect English thou can find a clearer description below: