Comment on Any domain registrar/hosting provider that does not require propietary software to run? 1 year agoI am confused why you think it requires additional software. For example, I personally use DigitalOcean, and that allows you to spin up servers via their website. No extra software needed. 1 year ago
When registering on DigitalOcean: “You need JavaScript to run this app”.
Okey, so let’s check this scripts:…/main.9e36ba61.js
Seems like an extra software to me. 1 year ago
You need Javascript to run things like remote consoles and metrics dashboards. I don’t think its something you can really avoid tbh.
Why do you want to avoid Javascript so badly in this case? If its a matter of trust, a VPS provider can do far more damage by just using your payment information or messing with your server directly. 1 year ago
Web remote console or live metrics are understandable. But requiring scripts to register or show a header is something I try to avoid. And not because of security or privacy but out of principle of simplicity and healthy web ecosystem.