Comment on Whatsapp has begun working on support for third party chats (Telegram/Signal) 1 year agoComment on Whatsapp has begun working on support for third party chats (Telegram/Signal) 1 year ago 1 year ago
This is not really a good take given that the one that has most features, Telegram, will from now on be able to chat directly with whatsapp family memebers. People that used whatsapp will keep using it, some might switch, and people that didn’t want to use it will uninstall it. Y’all are being very silly, this is something the EU is pushing Whatsapp to do, not something that has been proposed by Meta. 1 year ago
Yes I know Facebook doesn’t want to have to integrate with other messenger apps for WhatsApp. I was referring to their push to get Threads on the Fediverse. This is something they are pushing for internally and not something they are obligated to do.
I think in both cases, Facebook will make functionality work but will let things be wonky if you’re not using the WhatsApp/Messenger/Threads app. That will put pressure on people to abandon using Signal or Mastodon to communicate and not experience issues. 1 year ago
I won’t talk about mastodon some this post is about instant messaging. This sentence would make sense if it weren’t that we already have WhatsApp.
This change would enable us to uninstall whatsapp and use a single app to talk with friends and family WhatsApp and he’s kinda extreme, alltbe other ones have it to communicate with “normies” anyway. 1 year ago
The top level comment was about Fediverse which is why I brought up Mastodon 1 year ago
yeah, there was totally no lobbying involved and the eu want's this for the greater good and innocent convenience of the european citizens. (btw, standard telegram messages aren't encrypted in the first place) 1 year ago
Dunno, but I don’t see much benefit for whatsapp when, as stated, is the most used messaging app in europe, and all of us that dislike it are forced to use it because we don’t live in a bubble.
They are. They are encrypted client to server and they are stored encrypted in the server. Yeah it’s not E2E but saying that they are not encrypted makes it look like it is like whatsapp was for about 3-4 years until they implemented e2e, actual non encrypted messages. I would prefer if it were possible to have e2e in telegram normally, without losing all the utilities like being able to use it without having the phone connected but right now it’s the only app that provides stuff that I use regularly.
If you have been following the improvements, whatsapp is lagging behind telegram in regard to stickers, message deletion, message editing, markdown bold/italized/monospace texts, idk if it even has spoiler blocks… yeah.
Also, for security there’s signal but then my friends use telegram and family uses whatsapp, it doesn’t have the utility features that telegram provides like voice calls to friends from the desktop…
Anyway, as stated I genuinely think that this is good for us non whatsapp users that need to interact with people that only use whatsapp and were forced to have it installed.